Community Supports
What is OIS?
The Oregon Intervention System (OIS) is Oregon’s system of training and implementing the principles of Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) and Interventions to staff that support adults and children with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) that may display challenging behaviors.
OIS and all materials produced by OIS are the property of the Oregon Department of Human Services – Office of Developmental Disability Services (DHS-ODDS). Written permission is required for reproduction. Unauthorized reproduction of any materials produced by OIS is subject to legal recourse.
Philosophical Foundation
OIS also embraces the principles of PBIS, which was developed and researched at the University of Oregon and other institutions of higher learning. PBIS emphasizes fully assessing a behavior to identify the function(s) the behavior serves for the individual, and then developing supports, which will eventually render the behavior inefficient, ineffective, and irrelevant. These supports include making changes to the environment, which will reduce stress and uncertainty for the individual; teaching the individual more efficient and effective skills; and changing the way staff respond to the individual and the challenging behavior. PBIS focuses on a proactive (preventative) approach, reinforcing desired behaviors, without the use of punishment, intimidation, or any aversive intervention.
The OIS curriculum is revised when necessary to reflect Evidenced Based Practices within the field of I/DD, integrating new research related to human behavior and support. The current OIS curriculum represents the most advanced integration of the principles of PBIS, Person-Centered Practices, Self-Determination, and community participation to date. The core principles in the OIS curriculum continue to emphasize proactive and preventative measures, which enhance an individual’s life; adherence to sound and proven Positive Behavioral Theory and practices; and as a last resort, the use of safe and effective safety interventions involving Physical Skills Techniques, which may include Protective Physical Interventions (PPIs) while maintaining the individual’s dignity.
- - OIS Workshop-Open
- - OIS Workshop-Closed
- - OIS Family Workshop-Open
The OIS workshop calendar is a multi-user calendar. Not all workshops are open to the public. Use the color-coding above for reference. Registration information is found within each workshop posting and there is no guarantee that an open workshop still has seats available. Workshops are added to the calendar on a weekly basis. Contact if additional help is needed.
We are accepting names for the May 2025 instructor candidate workshop waitlist. If you are interested in attending the May 12-15, 2025 instructor candidate workshop and would like to be included on the wait list, please contact
Workshops for 2025 include:
January 13-16, 2025
May 12-15, 2025
June 23-26, 2025
September TBD
Becoming an Instructor
The OIS contract with DHS-ODDS funds four (4) new instructor workshops per calendar year. The contract holder, ASI, charges $300 per participant from an I/DD endorsed agency, and a flat rate of $800 for all other participants.
Participants have the option to complete one of two certifications – teaching or non-teaching. The process begins with a four-day workshop held in Tigard, Oregon. Candidates certifying as teaching instructors are then required to observe one OIS 2-day workshop and co-train, at a minimum, two OIS 2-day workshops, and a solo evaluation workshop within 180 days. Solo evaluations are 2-day OIS workshops that the candidate holds within their own agency. The candidates are evaluated based upon their presentation of the workshop curriculum and their ability to teach the physical skills techniques. Candidates completing a non-teaching certification are required to review and show knowledge of the physical skills after completing the four-day workshop.
Interested in becoming an OIS teaching instructor or OIS non-teaching instructor? Contact for application information.
Workshop Levels
There are five levels of participant certification in the OIS system. Each level represents a different OIS workshop. The workshop levels include:
- Basic (B)
- General level (G)
- Crisis level (C)
- Oversight level (O) for staff that support the OIS Instructor
- Family (F) for families and parents. (Name changed from Parent to Family)
Basic Workshop (B)
This is designed to teach skills on how to prevent and respond to non-violent behaviors. The participant attends the PowerPoint (PPT) portion of the curriculum but does not participate in the physical skills portion of the OIS curriculum. This workshop level requires at least eight (8) training hours and can be trained for any participant (including entities outside the Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Service). This certificate is valid for two years.
General-Level Workshop (G)
O.I.S. Instructors conduct the General Level workshop when there is no identified need for Emergency Safeguarding Interventions utilizing PPIs or when there is not a fully approved Positive Behavior Support Plan in place for any of the persons that the workshop participant supports (or will be supporting).
The General-Level workshop includes strategies for helping Designated Persons and families develop the skills they need for assisting adults and children who may exhibit challenges. These skills include understanding: factors that influence human behavior, how to assess these factors, philosophies of person-centered thinking and positive behavior support, how to apply these principles to real situations, and how to respond safely and effectively in emergencies.
Agencies/Programs may have “Staff Interaction Guidelines” as a document of support for support staff to follow which increases consistency in the delivery of services. Staff Interaction Guidelines are: Proactive/Preventive/Positive approaches that only focuses on strengthening the staff’s delivery of support and does not include altering the individual’s behavior. Staff Interaction Guidelines never include Reactive/Responsive elements as interventions or Protective Physical Interventions (PPIs) in an emergency.
The General-Level workshop includes training in all the material contained in the current O.I.S. curriculum involving the PPT and Physical Skills Techniques. Participants will receive instruction on physical skills techniques for responding to emergencies where someone demonstrates behavior that represents a significant threat to his or her health or safety, or the health or safety of someone else. These physical techniques include Evasions, Deflections, Covering, Escapes from holding attacks, Physical Positioning/A Restrictive Measure, Limb Control PPI, and the Belt/Shirt PPI. The participant’s successful demonstration of each of the skill techniques is mandatory.
The General-Level workshop is valuable for staff who work in 24-hour community based residential services, employment, community living supports, foster homes, case management services, and parents who occasionally may have to respond to their child who exhibits challenges. The General Level workshop provides a comprehensive training on the most current and promising principles of support and intervention. The workshop is an excellent “first step” in instructing Designated Persons who may not have a lot of experience in responding to emergencies, or who may not be familiar with the formalized process of developing positive behavior support or treatment plans.
The General-Level workshop requires a minimum of 12 – 16 training hours to complete and is usually conducted over two (2) or more days. A General Level Certification is valid for up to two (2) years.
Crisis-Level Workshop (C)
O.I.S. Instructors conduct a Crisis Level (C) workshop when there is a fully approved Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP) for a person that the workshop participant supports (or will be supporting) which has PPIs (Safeguarding Interventions) written as elements of support to manage the individual that places others or themselves in imminent danger. The Designated Person(s) (participant) MUST receive instruction from a current O.I.S. Instructor who is certified to teach those specific PPIs. A C-Level workshop is required, if the PBSP contains PPIs as a support element.
The C-Level workshop includes instruction on all the material in the current O.I.S. curriculum and teaches the same core principles taught in a G-Level workshop, except that the O.I.S. Instructor teaches participants to an individuals’ PBSP. Any Protective Physical Interventions (PPIs), which are a part of an individual’s PBSP, are taught only to the workshop participants who provide support (or will be providing support) to that individual. In addition, only the PPIs that are written into a PBSP are taught to those participants. If a PPI is not written into a PBSP, it is not taught to the participant.
Since the C-Level workshop includes training on specific physical skill intervention(s) applicable to the PBSP, the workshop may require a minimum of 16 training hours to complete. Many agencies conduct a G-Level workshop for all employees, and then train a specific PBSP and the additional techniques on site within 30 days of the workshop to certify those employees to a C-Level. A Crisis-Level certification is valid for up to two (2) years.
Oversight Level Workshop (O) (Optional)
The Oversight Level workshop is designed to prepare Agency Designated Persons, as designated by the Agency, to assist the Agency O.I.S. Instructor, or an O.I.S. Instructor working as an Independent Behavior Professional, in monitoring and the application of the O.I.S. system within the agency.
The curriculum for the Oversight Level workshop consists of specific and in-depth training on core components in the O.I.S. curriculum, with an emphasis on how to avoid power struggles, communication, as well as core components of Positive Behavioral Support. The Oversight Level workshop also consists of comprehensive training on the O.I.S. Physical Skill Intervention techniques, including Deflections, Evasions, Covers, Escapes, Restrictive Measures, and all PPIs that are currently approved in specific PBSPs within the Agency. Additionally, the Oversight curriculum should address any Agency policies and procedures that affect the application and principles of O.I.S. and Positive Behavior Support.
The Oversight level of certification is not required! Agencies and O.I.S. Instructors may choose to utilize this level of certification to assist in the ongoing process of quality assurance and safe utilization of O.I.S. PPIs. Individuals trained to an Oversight Level of certification can conduct monthly rehearsals of O.I.S. Physical Skill Intervention techniques for those individuals who are currently certified to a General-Level or Crisis-Level. Support persons trained to an Oversight level certification may not teach O.I.S. physical techniques to employees not certified or trained in O.I.S.
The Oversight Level workshop is a six to eight (6-8) hour workshop in addition to the 16-hour workshop for support staff that is currently certified to the G and C-Level. An Oversight Level certification is valid for up to one (1) year. Any certified O.I.S. Instructor may train the Oversight level workshop. It is the agencies responsibility to monitor these standards.
OIS-F (Family) (formerly OIS-P, Parent)
This workshop focuses on Positive Behavior Supports in the family home. This training includes the concepts of PBS (Positive Behavior Supports), proactive strategies, and emergencies. Physical practice includes evasions, deflections, escapes, soft protective buffer, and physical positioning. It is designed for non-paid adult family members. If the PBSP written by a Qualified Behavior Professional contains Protective Physical Interventions, it is recommended the family participates in a C-Level All certification workshop.
Families are only shown physical skills needed to support their family members. Those completing the workshop will not receive an OIS certificate; rather they will receive a “Record of Completion.”
Steering Committee
The OIS Steering Committee (OIS-SC) is the advisory body of the Oregon Intervention System. The Steering Committee assists the contract holder and the OIS Project Manager in monitoring OIS by:
- Responding to special issues generated by policy makers within DHS and State or local government;
- Responding to special issues generated by OIS professionals;
- Reviewing unique support issues;
- Reviewing requests for modifications to OIS intervention techniques;
- Reviewing Protective Services Investigations (as requested);
- Reviewing and approving OIS Instructors and Instructor resources; and,
- Providing input to the curriculum, policies, and practices of the Oregon Intervention System
The Steering Committee represents various perspectives in the human services field.
Steering Committee Members and Seats Represented:
Carole Searle (OIS Project Manager), Ruth Walton (OIS SC Chair, Vocational), Alex Flippo (OIS SC Vice-Chair, State Operated Programs), Brenna Archibald (Adult Residential), Sarah Ramirez (Metro/North Coast), Tiffany Heyano (Mid-Willamette Representative), Shawn Mode (Family Representative), Joanna Kindell (Foster Care), Serrae James (Independent Behavior Consultant), Christina Wolf (In-Home Supports), Nancy Briant (Metro/North Coast Representative), Tina DeSouza (Eastern/Central Representative), Kevin Reilly (State Operated Programs), Lindy Ripley (Southern), Todd Ramirez (Mid-Willamette Representative), Holly Mott (CDDP), Brian Tsutsumi (OIS Behavior Specialist), Simon Turner (OTIS or other Abuse Investigation)
Steering Committee Minutes:
September 2024 Meeting Minutes
September 2023 Meeting Minutes
Presentation Checklist
Steering Committee PPI Presentation Checklist
Contact if more information is needed
Steering Committee Application
This list includes Independent Instructors throughout Oregon. Verify with the Instructor the location(s) where they teach to make sure it fits your needs.
Updated 4.25.2024
Roger Bachelor
Adam Barber
Kim Bazzi
Teri Bestes
Lori Boll
Nancy Briant
Jason Christensen
Sally Gibson
ToiNae Gibson
Jonathan Graf
Will Grissom
Nakomi Gunter
Kelley Heffelfinger
Theresa Heidt-Vanderschoot
Tiffany Heyano
Sherene Highland
Beth Hill
Stephanie Hunter
Serrae James
Sofia Janjgava
Kathy Kay
Danielle Khieu
Joanna Kindell
Mesha Koos
Samantha Ladeby
Tyson Lancaster
Christie Lim
Tamara Lindsay
Shannon Marr
Chris Miller
Shawn Mode
Josh Mooney
Shaya Mooney
Rick Newton
Harry Norris
Daniel Ortega
Jacob Pscheidt
Sarah Ramirez
Todd Ramirez
Angelina Rich
Lindy Ripley
Curt Satter
Cierra Scurlock
Carole Searle
Will Stevenson
Jacob Tolbert
Brian Tsutsumi
Chuck Tupper
Cassandra Turner
Cody Wack
Ruth Walton
Melody Wold
Christina Wolf
Torri Wright
Jacqueline Zuniga
Jorge Zuniga
This workshop focuses on Positive Behavior Supports in the family home. This training includes the concepts of PBS, Proactive strategies, and emergencies. Physical practice includes Evasions, Deflections, escapes, soft buffer, Physical Positioning Restrictive Measure, Limb Control PPI, the Belt/Arm pivot, and the Belt/Shirt variations. If the family needs more physical skill techniques than those listed above, it is recommended the family participates in a C-Level certification workshop.
Families/Parents are only shown what they need to see. Families/Parents completing the workshop will not receive an O.I.S. certificate; rather they will receive a “Record of Completion”. The Record of Completion is not transferable to a G or C level certificate.
O.I.S.-Family is only for families supporting children and adults in home. Designated Persons paid to be in the home, whether they are kids in home support providers, family receiving in-home comprehensive services, agency staff working in the family home, cannot attend O.I.S.-F training, as a G-Level or C-Level Certification is required.
Contact if more information is needed.